A place to be baffled, puzzled, confused, and cajoled.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ahead of the Bus Crowd

My overall public transit experience has been uneventful; nothing of either a life-enriching or life-threatening nature has happened to me on a bus. But sometimes, just sometimes, I wish harm on my fellow passengers.

There is one type of bus rider that pisses me off; he's the guy that, regardless of whether or not the bus is crowded, stands right at the front and talks until the driver's ears bleed. He's the guy that is so socially malnourished that he thinks the driver actually wants to hear about his long-dead schnauzer or his colon operation. But I digress just a little. He really pisses me off for two reasons:

  1. He's distracting the driver. You know, the driver--that person in charge of our lives while we're on the bus. The one guiding the 20-tonne hunk of steel.
  2. He's blocking my view! I may not be familiar enough with a route to know my stop with my eyes closed, and if it's dark, then I definitely need to see where I'm going.
I can't do what I really want, which is openly ridicule these people. So, I wish harm on them--but just a little. I don't want them to die, for Christ's sake. What I wish is for the driver to have to make a stop just quickly enough so that the nuisance rider flies forward and bonks his head on the windshield. That way, he can be reminded of this folly by the giant goose egg on his forehead for the next four or five weeks. After all, common sense eludes these people, and experience is often the best teacher.

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